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(Author. Storyteller. Keynote Speaker. Educator.) Shutta Crum is an award-winning poet and children’s book writer. The winner of seven Royal Palm Literary Awards, she’s an oft-requested speaker and presenter at writing conferences, libraries, and schools. Her chapbook: WHEN YOU GET HERE (2020), won a gold Royal Palm. Her newest book is THE WAY TO THE RIVER. In addition, her poems for adults have appeared, or are forthcoming, in numerous publications and literary journals. This includes the Ann Arbor Review, Stoneboat, Typehouse, Blue Mountain Review, Orchards Poetry Journal, Better Than Starbucks, Main Street Rag, Nostos, Southern Poetry Review, Acumen, Mom Egg, Calyx, and Boulevard.

In addition, she is the author of thirteen picture books and three novels for young readers published by major publishers: Alfred A. Knopf, Clarion/Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, Albert Whitman, and Fitzhenry & Whiteside. In 2005 she was invited to read at the White House, and in 2010 toured Japan presenting to the students of the Dept. of Defense schools.

Shutta is delighted about what poetry can bring to one’s life. It was through poetry that she met her husband. When they married he brought with him his two children. Now, those children have given her grandchildren. “Poetry has shaped my whole life,” she says. “When I look at those grandchildren, I see poetry.”

Contact Shutta at:  Website ~ , Facebook ~ , Twitter ~ @Shutta, Instagram ~ 


North Florida Poetry Hub
C/O Hope At Hand
3886 Atlantic Blvd,
Jacksonville, FL 32207

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