~ 100,000 Poets For Change Celebration ~
"Use our words for Peace, Justice to Effect Positive Change"
The 100 Thousand Poets for Change organization hosts an annual celebration uniting poets, musicians, and artists around the world in a demonstration/celebration to promote peace, sustainability, and justice, and to call for serious social, environmental, and political change through their voices, actions, and art.
North Florida Poetry Hub has joined with this organization and hosted its own events and projects since 2020 with online and in-person Open Mics and Open Calls to Poets, Musicians and Artists (PMA), with the creation of artistic 100 Thousand Poets for Change themed multimedia Videos throughout the month of September for the past four years, all of which are permanently displayed on our chapter YouTube channel.
These materials are also shared with the 100 Thousand Poets for Change organization, which forwards the recordings to Florida State and Stanford Universities to be archived for posterity as a historical event that merits preservation. 2024 will be our fifth year participating in this awesome worldwide global event! Follow all the exciting events here on this webpage!
~ 100,000 Poets For Change In Person Open Mic ~ September 28, 2024 Jacksonville, Florida
Join us at the Southeast Regional Library 2 - 4 PM for a live Open Mic event with A Gathering of Poets for an in-person Open Mic Poetry Reading & Art Show
* OPEN MIC & ART SHOW ~ Bring a poem to read that embodies your vision in a celebration of and the promotion of peace, sustainability, and justice, or call out for serious societal, environmental, or political change.
September 28th Open Mic & Art Show

100K Poets for Change Art Show
JURIED ART SHOW SEPTEMBER 28, 2024: First and second places were awarded. Open to all art media.

100K Poets for Change 2024 Virtual Gallery Show ~
For NFPH members who wish to display art for the event but live more than 40 miles from Jacksonville and are unable to participate in the local Art Show in Jacksonville, Florida.

Fourth Annual International 100K Poets for Change On-line Open Mic
September 21, 2024 3-4 PM EST
(UPCOMING) This is a recording of North Florida Poetry Hub’s third annual 100 Thousand Poets for Change virtual Open Mic event held on September 21, 2024. 100 Thousand Poets for Change is an organization co-founded by Terry Carrion and the late Michael Rothenburg in 2011. Their mission is to unite poets, musicians, artists, and activists together each September to create, perform, and demonstrate simultaneously in communities around the world, to call attention to important issues such as the environment, wars, violation of human rights, racism, gender inequality, homelessness, police brutality, and poverty, just to name a few, and by doing so, effect positive change in our world.
We would like to thank all the participants in this very special annual open mic.
Protest/Activist Poetry Workshop with Howard Moon ~ Held August 13th 2024
Howard Moon is a poet, author, and speaker, having been a broadcaster and professional writer during his long career. In his retirement, he continues to write essays, non-fiction, fiction, flash fiction and award-winning poetry. He is particularly well known for his protest and activism poetry and has been a guest speaker with North Florida Poetry Hub on several occasions. Howard has written over six books of fiction and poetry, all of which are available on Amazon.com. https://www.amazon.com/stores/author/B083S2Z87S/allbooks
In 2012 and 2019 he suffered a stroke/brain injury with partial loss of vision in his left eye, which left him disabled and with residual mental illness. He shares his story with others through his writings and poetry and is known as the “half-blind poet”.
Howard’s grandfather was born on a Fox reservation and Howard identifies as Native BIPOC. His book, White Fox, is a collection of Native American poetry. Howard does speaking engagements on the importance of Telling Your Story, being part Native and part White, living with mental illness and disability and related issues to those. He also performs poetry readings.
This poetry workshop was held August 13th, 2024, and is about how to write protest and activism poetry led by Howard. There are writing prompts and a look at leading protest poets and Howard’s own viewpoint of how to write this unique poetry form.
Our Sponsor
North Florida Poetry Hub is a chapter of the Florida State Poets Association and was created by the local nonprofit Hope at Hand, Inc. to support and help the arts flourish for poets, writers and lovers of all things poetic and artistic in the North Florida region.
POETRY. WELLNESS. HOPE ~ Hope At Hand is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that provides art and poetry sessions to vulnerable and at-risk youth populations. Using creativity, language, art and therapeutic approaches, we facilitate healing and personal growth for children and adolescents.
Learn More: HopeAtHand.org
North Florida Poetry Hub is Funded in Part by Generous Donations From